Wednesday, June 27, 2007Y
wan mei wu xia
it's juz getting more and more stressful each dae,
especially plus when i'm down wif a bad bad flu..
anyway i noe its the last yr le
so all the more i should work hard.
juz want to tell j2eys tt i really treasure each one of u.
treasure every moment we spent tgt.
i love ya!!
muacks muacks..
we shall work hard study hard and play hard tgt!!
11:25 PM
haha. let's start from the first time i meet him at yew tee k. tt night actually nth much la. just walk me home from yew tee lo.. then on the way jus tok tok tok lor. haha.. first time mah. so abit nervous la. hahaha..
i think cos i too long nv see him liao la.. almost half a yr can.. haha..
den the second time.. after i da bao liao he help me carry mah. den i jus say ‘拉手’ (<--hold hand. jus in case jess de com still cannot read chi words. "p) lo. haha. at first he still blur blur de lor. dunno wad i tokin. LOL. after tt hold all the way until i reach home lor. keke.
he msged me n say now he believe tt i really very darin. haha. i ish guai can. since he dun dare den i auto lo. hehe.
okie. so todae leh. it's the my first date with cwc!! haha. not bad lor. "p
met him at bus interchange lor. den we take bus 190 to taka there.. den walk to cine n buy the tickets for shrek 3 lor. haha.. YA YA. shrek 3 very nice kk!! i wan go watch part 1 n part 2 de oso liao. hee. :P
haha yah. den when alight from 190 oso i hold his hand de lor. he stupid la.
b4 the show we sit down at food court drink something n den tok tok lor..
after the show.. walk walk awhile lor.. tis time he hold my hand de lor. HAHAHAHAHA..
we walk walk lor.. see see got wad to eat lor.. but i jus dun feel like eatin lo.. in the end jus get some ice cream to eat lor. hehe. eat finish liao den go take train le lor..
den jus now on the phone i oso got say ah.. when walkin home we nv hold hand lor.. den reach my blk liao den say bye bye le lor. haha..
DA DA!~ end of todae's report liao. if find it too boring. SORRIE CAN! haha..
n somemore. dun worri can. if he really ask me. i'll surely sms all of u de k.
i love j2eys!!!!! muacks. "p
11:59 PM
hello darlings!!
i was reading my friend's blog and i found something interesting.
it just caught my eye.
第 1名 射手座 1,109 票 ; 22% <- - jessica&elaine
第 2名 牡羊座 680 票 13% <- - shufang
第 3名 獅子座 464 票 9%
第 4名 雙魚座 436 票 8% <- - yingjia
第 5名 金牛座 402 票 8% <- - jolyn
and all 5 of us are in top 5. woots!
and guess which 2 tops the list??
yess! wahaha and elaine cwt!!!
so true rites.
7:45 PM
I'm taking a break for my mugging now.
And I decided to take photo of.....

Cute right?!
and i finally found little tweety la!!!
it's found on a baby shirt design.
so cute la!!!
Mummy has been feeling sick these few daes.
Started on Saturday.
Had this giddiness problem and couldn't get out of bed.
Was kinda sad and heart pain to see her in a helpless state.
And all we could do was to hold her hand and calm her down.
I was thinking…If this is the only time, that she's sick and that I could hold her hand and look at her for a very long time, I would really rather not want to do so..
Coz I was really frightened by her condition.
And all these had to happen during my test week.
I was feeling quite discouraged at a point of time.
But I know that I must be strong and study even harder so as not to let my mother worry.
I'm alright now le.
And mama is slightly better now..
Kk, I'll go back to mug le..
Take care, darlings!!
Miz all of u!!
Muack muacks!!!
Jia you darlings!!
Feeling tired at 10:55PM
10:55 PM