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Thursday, November 13, 2008Y
3rd anniversary kuai le!

Hello laopos!!
todae is our 3rd year anniversary oh!

this year's plan didn't go really well.
but i noe we all didn't want this to happen too. maybe coz every one of us is still trying to adapt to our "new environment" and overcome problems at work/sch.

-shu fang just started her first office job and still under probation
-ying jia just got her cabin crew license and just started her first flight in mid oct.
-jess facing working difficulties partly due to e recession.
-jolyn just started her uni life at NUS and will be taking her first examination on 21st nov.
-and me studying at SIM, although e timetable is quite slack..but i'm still trying to adapt to e very independent life.

it will get tougher as time goes by.
but i will still love u all laoposhehe.

jia jia and jess, pls dun feel bad or too upset for not being able to meet up on this dae.
i noe it's very xing ku, tt no matter how u longed to meet up, but u just cant.
e helpless feeling i noe..

but i was just tinking, in years to come, where everyone already has many more other committments, we will also not be 100% sure to be able to meet up on this dae de.
although this is e first year we didn't celebrate tgt.
but i'm sure we can make it up on some other daes de mah..hor hor hor?
despite all e problems we face, i am sure that this special dae has already made a special impact/meaning in our hearts le.
upon knowin tt every one of us value this dae so much, it's enough for me le!

so to all laopos,
cheer up and smile smile smile!!
jia you together kk?
muacks muacks!=]

~Elaine laopo~

10:52 PM

Wednesday, April 02, 2008Y
to laopos!!

i m flying off for HK tmr morning 8plus
will touch down at 11pm on monday night
miss me kk!
bcoz i will buy many many things for u all!
take care.
drink lots of water.
love u all!

11:07 PM

Tuesday, January 01, 2008Y
tHe VeRy FirSt Post Of 2oo8! =D

happy new year, laopos da ren!!
it's already 2008 without realizing it.
within the past 2007, there are ups and downs in our lives.
be it among us 5 or ard us.
but always rmb tt we will always be there for one another.

there will be obstacles and problems tt we will always need to face.
just hope tt in this year we can overcome it all, together
if it's not for one another's understanding, faith, accomodation and efford in this friendship,
we won't have come this far.
it's really not easy i must say.
but it's onli with sacrifices that we can achieve a better relationship each time.
alright, now for my personal message to each of u
Jessica -
I know it is difficult some times to make decisions when it comes to meeting us out on ur off days, especially with so many commitments, (e.g. family, cousins, work shifts, studies,...) . Despite of the tiredness, u still choose to meet us sometimes, even though it's just for a little while. And all these i know it's because we are really important to u. What i m trying to say here is tt, we will always support u in eveything alright? Be it in ur future job decisions or other matters. Follow ur heart!(tt's what they always sae).
Jolyn -
Sometimes you are also facing problems at either work, projects, or even problems in ur own family. Don't forget that we will always be there to share ur problems. Not everything turns out the way u want it to be. Many times, it's the opposite. These are obstacles we have to face. But, don't give up just yet! You still have us. Do what u really want. Be it in ur current work, current school work or even decisions u have to make in e near future, because at e end of e day u are doing all these not for others, but for urself.
Ying Jia -
It's difficult sometimes for u to decide who u have to meet on some days. Like jessica, u have commitments too. But, i'm really glad tt most of e time, u chose to meet us too. It's hard to decide especially when u have quite a number of cliques. We don't blame u, because ultimately, we know that we are still as important always. Then, there are times where u have to also rush down and meet us after ur own activities. Really touched, but at e same time upset coz u might be feeling real tired alr (this applies to all laopos).
Shu Fang -
You are starting school this feb already. I know u can make it through this time. I have confidence in u! Like me, you might not have an idea as to where and what u want to do in the near future. However, we will always be there with u! Don't worry too much for the coming sch days. A very new and different environment. It may be really alien to u but i know u can overcome it!Everything u do has its first-time. Also, not forgetting e times when u have to decide to meet cpp or us, it's difficult i noe. We will understand even though u cant be with us at times because we noe we cant be so selfish.
*the above individual messages may also imply to every laopo. Not necessarily onli to tt mentioned laopo k. =))
To all laopos - It's not easy to strike a balance and accomodate everyone in a situation. But, I'm really glad tt we put in a lot of effort into this.
jia yous tgt in 2008 kk laopos?
all e best in everything we do!
studies, love life, work, ...
most importantly, good health throughout.
despite e problems we will face this year,
i will cherish all of u even more.
i love u!

11:48 PM

Thursday, December 06, 2007Y
nice nice photos!! and notifications..=))--ElainE

Hiiii laopos!!!


since our blog is so abit rusty..
and since jess laopo finds the prev post un-nice.
i shall juz upload some photos of our anniversary kk.

next major celebrations:
1. xmas celeb.
2. new year's countdown? --are we having any?
3. nxt year's chalet and the activities.--- must really plan nice nice.(month of chalet shld be decided soon, coz of leave applications,peak period, budget,blah blah..)

meanwhile, enjoy the photos!
anyone update when free kk..

7:07 PM

Friday, August 31, 2007Y
First Date with Mr Calvin Klein.

my date with ck.

he's 24,

a scorpio.

it's gonna be a long entry..

(oh yea, this entry cannot be shown to anyone else other than the 5 of us alright!)

coz there are some contents that i haven't even told my parents..


It was I who asked him out,

coz i wanted to see whether we could at least work out a friendship before anything else.

so far,

we had only seen each other at work for about 2 weeks?

he worked in the back bar and we just exchanged small conversations.

then he started to nick name me 'jessica alba',

for whatever reason i don't know,

but the rest of the bartenders followed.

before he left for Zouk, we exchanged e-mails,

that's all.

My only impression of him then was that he was a very lame-but-funny joker.

then he left ritz-carlton.


after that,

this other bartender, ShenPeng,

kept asking me whether i was keeping in contact with CK,

but randomly.

but it was weird lah..

then one day, ShenPeng asked me whether i knew why he kept asking me whether i was in contact with him.

obviously i didn't.

ShenPeng then told me that when CK was still around,

CK kept telling telling ShenPeng that I was very nice and good and stuff like that..

i only felt weirdness.


coz when i stepped in ritz, i only wanted to concentrate on working hard for the 2 years.

i never hoped for anything else.

and the fact that within the 2 weeks that me and CK knew each other, we weren't close or anything.

so yea.


i then thought about it for awhile..

i mean, CK didn't really keep contact with me after leaving either.

so what does that mean?

ShenPeng also told me that when CK left, he regretted not taking my number.

what am i supposed to think again?


so one day, I saw CK online..

i mustered the courage to just go for it.

part of that courage came from reading my horoscope.

haha! so dumb.

i started chatting with him and stuff lor..

then on that first online conversation,

we exchanged numbers..

he said that if I wanted to go watch Simpsons, i could call him.

it didn't feel like anything special though.

like friends just exchanging numbers.

but i was also thinking whether he was 'too-experienced' to be able to speak so 'smoothly'..


i gave the simpsons movie a miss.

call it the mind games of dating,

i didn't want to accept the first outing so quickly.

but i really wanted to watch the movie though.

haha. so dumb again.


we stopped contact for a while after that,

and i was thinking that he could just be trying his luck with the movie,

and when i rejected,

he just gave up or smth..


ShenPeng then asked me soon after,

i told him that we didn't contact already,

like maybe coz CK was busy or whatever,

then just forget it.

ShenPeng then told me,

"don't worry, i'll talk to CK. Leave it to me."



I met ShenPeng a few days after,

and he told me that he lectured CK,

saying, " How can you treat a girl like that. How can you make a girl wait for you like that."

I was pretty touched,

i mean, i wasn't very close to ShenPeng either,

for him to do smth like that..


late 1 night after work,

i recieved a msg from CK,

apologizing about stuff and telling me that he was busy.

after that,

we then started msging and stuff,

then the little sweet msgs started coming in all of the sudden.

it felt weird again,

because it was like so easy for him to msg sweet msgs like 'i miss you' and stuff.

it makes you think whether this guy is trustworthy,

he could just be another sweet-talker.



so i decided to just ask him out,

kinda like to see whether stuff can work out between us..

we decided to meet after work at cineleisure for dinner then 'Rattatouille'.

i was much earlier and waited around and stuff.

was quite bored actually,

and it was so crowded,

and everywhere you turned,

you see couples, after couples and more couples.

pretty sickening,

and i was thinking that i should tell jeys that we should never go to orchard on the weekends,

it's really demoralising.



we talked a lot during dinner,

oh yea.

and i realised that he wasn't really tall either,

coz i wore small heels at about 1 & 1/2 inches,

and we were about the same height.

i felt pretty bad about it.

didn't want to out-tall him on our first date.



he seems very truthful,

he told me all about his past relationships..

that he got his heart broken very very badly in his past relationships,

coz he really put 200% into every one of his relationships.

if i remember correctly,

he has 4 past relationships,

then he told me that he has had sex with his 3rd girlfriend,

only her.

coz it just happened..

a bit disappointed.

and that he used to drink a lot,

and when he's in a bad mood and drunk, he hits himself,

but no one else.

and that he's cut down on drinking a lot already.


then halfway through the meal,

he suddenly told me that he wanted to get those huge tatoos on his back,

a picture of a scorpion.

coz he really liked the traits of the scorpion.

but he wanted to know what i though of it first.

i told him honestly that i wasn't into those stuff.

and he said okay..


on my side of the story..

i dunno whether it's coz he's too experienced or what,

but he's very truthful..

and seems sincere enough..

i mean, who doesn't have a past?

i feel like giving him a chance to start over new.

kinda like completing him, making him a better person.

but will he really change for the better?

coz he told me stuff like he's not ready yet,

and that he really wants to make it right this time.

to give ourselves time..


for the past few weeks after that first date,

we're still msging..

and he's sending me stuff like 'thinking of you..' and 'xiang ni..'

i feel very confused.

i called him yesterday night and asked him.

what is it you actually want?

you tell me stuff like you really like me,

that you're really comfortable with me and stuff..

and then you tell me we should give ourselves some time.

THEN you msg me stuff like 'thinking of you' and 'i miss you'.

what are we?

what is the thing between us?


he told me that he really doesn't know what to do..

he really likes me,

but he's afraid that he can't be the best boyfriend,

and that he doesn't want to hurt me in the end.

that he's not ready.

and that i could just reply him as a friend status.

that i could just take it like he's chasing after me.

'wad the hell?'

was the only thing in my mind.

i really hate for things to be hanging like this..

i hate it.

i hate not knowing what status we are,

i hate being in the gray sector.

can't we just make everything clear and make decisions?


and on the other hand..

ivan and jeremi are trying very hard to come after me..

they keep msging and calling me.

i told them that i've already someone i like..

but ivan keeps telling me to give him a fighting chance.

he's 21 btw.

and he really is very sincere and sweet.

he always calls and msg me..

whenever i flip open my phone..

it's all ivan.

not CK.

it really kinda makes the heart sway..

it's bad i know.

but with CK not defining what we are..

no sense of security.

and ivan trying so hard..

i find myself wanting to ivan a chance.

Ivan really knows what he wants at least..

and he makes everything very clear.

why can't CK be like that?


so you know,

i'm actually in a very confused state.


i'm willing to give my best with CK,

but what's holding him back?

the feeling that he's not able to give me the best?

1:54 PM

Monday, August 13, 2007Y

oooo we have not be updating ahh!!!~
i m here to jot down how did we celebrate national dae..

met jolyn,yingjia,shufang laopos for lunch.
den went to jurong east kbox.
had the national day package,
but each of us need to bring red things.
jolyn-big voodoo doll
shufang- small voodoo doll
yingjia- herself (actually is red shirt la)
me- jolyn's red hair rubber band

sang from 230 to 530
onli $9 each.
cheap cheap..
jess didn't join us coz she had family outing..
but joined us after tt at yj's hse.

watched ndp tgt for e first time i guess?
although the show was quite boring as some parts..
wat's most impt is each of us de companion
and we slacked after watching the parade.

at yj's hse..
i've been thinking..
sometimes, we may run out of things to do..
run out of activties
or be it juz slacking at some places..
it may be boring,
but i believe it's each of de presence which makes the outing/gathering heartwarming..

duno whether u all understand wat i've said.
but i just want to sae,
no matter how busy we may get in the future,
with attachment or work or studies
or whatever tt happens..
one thing for sure:we will always have one another in our hearts.

从昨天 到今天

and..last of all..
^--this is really very true!!


6:14 PM

Friday, July 13, 2007Y

Better update before I leave for Malaysia, you all will miss me, am I right?

This trip to Malaysia is a simple and short one I will be at Sebana Cove, Desaru. The trip to there is just to eat lobster feast dinner, stay in a hotel for a night and next morning maybe do some of these: Swimming, cycling, golfing, fireflies trip, fruits farm, ostrich farm, sun bathing. I can see the relax moment coming, don't worry I will take a truck load of photos back~ Haha

I will be back on sun evening, hope I will be able to join your to shop or some dinner when I get back.

Some note for your:
It had been proven that during stormy days, do not listen to mp3 in outdoor, thunder might just strike you and it will double the effect of a normal person getting strike. Jess lao po, must remember ok? Haha. For the computers, during stormy days, close all windows if you really have to use, if not shut down, then computer cannot afford to be strike on~ Haha.

We have quite an amount of records in the arcade of the game "Find It" it was named "J2EYS ROX!!!!" for the exchange points, quite saddening, we only got like 2000 odd point which is enough just for 1 Winnie the pooh~ sad.

The trip to Malaysia, I don't know will I be able to shop, but if I am able, hope to get some stuff/souvenir for your.

Stay cheerful, stay lively no matter what, that the ways that J2eys is..

10:50 PM